Strona: Message No. 2 / XXII MSM

Message No. 2

    1. The conference will start in building "A" of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Rzeszów University of Technology) in W.Pola  street 2. Registration in hall A101 from 9:00. The map is attached  in pdf  file.
    2. For people arriving in Rzeszów on 16/09/2018, the organizers propose accommodation in the ISKRA hotel (Dąbrowskiego street 75) or the HETMAN hotel (Langiewicza street 29b). The cost of this accommodation is not included in the conference fee. If you are interested, please contact the hotel personally and book places in hotel or sent  with appropriate information to us.
    3. For people travelling by car, we recommend car parks in the area of the Polytechnic and the Arłamów hotel.
    4. The planned time to deliver a lecture: 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion. The official languages of the conference are: Polish, English and Russian.
    5. Posters: format A1 in vertical format (594x841mm). In the presented materials, please put the MSM'2018 logo.
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